Saturday, August 8, 2009

project apron

lately, i've been inspired to sew again. i'm not sure what struck me. i think it was when my roommate took out my sewing machine and i thought, what a pretty machine, yet so sad that it's constantly stored away. maybe i just felt the need to be productive and make something. anywho, thus began project apron. my mom bought me my sewing machine about three and a half years ago for a school project. since buying the machine, i've used it only a few times. once for the project, a couple times to hem pants, and once this past halloween. what a shame. my mom bought me a machine and i made nothing out of it. the project that i initially needed the machine for was a disaster. the halloween costume redeemed the previous disaster project.

[the halloween costumes]

so, i decided that since my mom bought me a sewing machine, i should do something nice and make something for her - thus project apron. the steps to the project you may ask? first, inspiration! i want to sew!! second, came flickr. thank you jesus for flickr and everyone that shares their wonderful pictures on that website. third came buying the fabrics and fourth, the endless hours of labor.

the materials:

the machine:

the final product: one complete apron and one very happy mother :]


  1. haha well thanks. i actually don't care all that much. just was trying to tell you i discovered your blog in as un-creepy a manner as possible.

  2. Ok so I think that Project Apron should come back as Project Sew and you should make all kinds of things.
