Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Dear 2010,

You've been good to me. You started off not so great, but man, you definitely turned things around.

top 10 in 2010:
1. The Giants WON the World Series. (Really can't ask more than that, so that's gonna be 1-7)
8. Graduated :]
9. Got a job.
10. Moved back to Norcal (& on time for the world series)

I know I've been blessed with so much more this year, but these are the top 10-ish. I really just wanted to blog about the Giants. On that note, I leave with this...

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

in my time

A conversation I had with my mom today...

Sarah: we are gonna go to blue bottle coffee
Sarah: have you heard of it before?
mom: no, what is that?
Sarah: it's supposed to be really good coffee
mom: where
Sarah: they have a location in the ferry building
Sarah: but we're not going to that one i think
mom: ok, now i know, just like the one i use at home, manual drip
Sarah: ohhh is that why it's good?
mom: i don't know, but that's what they do, i think is all going back to the old times...........
Sarah: like in the 70's? hahaha
mom: just like the plastic bag, no one used it when I grew up
mom: in my time, people take their own bags to the market, it's called recycling
mom: now people do the same thing,
Sarah: hahaha. vintage
mom: now all organic, my time no processed food, all organic, no antibiotics to make it FAT FAT FAT
Sarah: haha ok. i wish i lived in your time then
mom: oh yes good times, now parents limit their kids for TV, my time, no TV, all natural, you play in the back yard, playground, etc

I love my mom! She is one of the biggest influences in my life. I'm curious what it was like to grow up in "her time."

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


"Came to My Rescue"
Falling on my knees in worship
Giving all I am to seek your face
Lord all I am is yours

My whole life
I place in your hands
God of Mercy
Humbled I bow down
In your presence at your throne

I called you answered
And you came to my rescue and I
I wanna be where you are

In my life be lifted high
In our world be lifted high
In our love be lifted high