Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Dear 2010,

You've been good to me. You started off not so great, but man, you definitely turned things around.

top 10 in 2010:
1. The Giants WON the World Series. (Really can't ask more than that, so that's gonna be 1-7)
8. Graduated :]
9. Got a job.
10. Moved back to Norcal (& on time for the world series)

I know I've been blessed with so much more this year, but these are the top 10-ish. I really just wanted to blog about the Giants. On that note, I leave with this...

1 comment:

  1. Haha I like that the Giants are 1-7. And yay for #10! I'm glad that we're all back. And of course, love the picture haha. I'm glad you blogged!
